



circumference 90 cm, 2 cm thick



The work “Opal Rain”, which tempts one to touch it through its rich, heterogeneous texture, comes from the world of nature and transfers into the interior – both in terms of form and color – the nature of rainy weather. It is dominated by deep blues and delicate shades of green, and the consistent rhythm of vertical grooves is clearly associated with raindrops flowing down the glass. This effect was achieved thanks to the slumping technique. According to the intention of the artist, who says: “I want my works to provoke and encourage to search, experience and perceive the world and myself more deeply and broadly, with as many senses as possible”. “Opal rain” not only engages the eyes, but also allows one to feel at another level – touch. It allows one to recognize the unique structure and expand the experience of sculpture. According to the author’s intention, such an interaction may become an antidote to a depleting pictorial culture that engages only the sense of sight, forgetting about the possibilities of experiencing the world with other senses, including touch.


see in 3D